The Kyiv Academic Drama Theatre on Podil was set up in 1987 under the leadership of Vitalii Malakhov and had functioned as a travelling theatre for long.
The main stage was in the Guest House on Kontraktova Ploshcha (the Square of Contracts); besides, a home theatre stage was on the 2nd floor of the administrative building at 20-B Andriivskyi Descent (which became the first cultural institution on the street). It is still open there, along with the theatrical living room named after Ihor Slavynskyi.
A new stage opened in 2017 in the neighbouring building, which got the Architecture of Cultural and Social Objects award in the Ukrainian Urban Awards competition for its design and was also nominated for the Mies van der Rohe Award of the European Union. More than 50 plays based on the works of Ukrainian and foreign authors are staged in two buildings.
Tania Maiboroda
oleh romanovskyi
tankist трін
Yevhen Hladush
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