42 Yuryia Illenka Street
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The skyscraper, known among the Kyivites as Olivets (Pencil), was designed as the main backup Soviet TV Centre in case of failure on the one in Moscow. Its construction began in 1983 and lasted 9 years, although not all the planned buildings have been completed even now. The building is 105 metres tall. A television equipment and studio complex with a multi-light lobby, a movie concert hall for 450 seats, 8 television studios, 14 rehearsal rooms, 17 video equipment complexes, and 4 cinemas cover an area of 87.5 thousand sq. m.
This is the only building in the capital that has its own fire department due to high flammability. The TV Centre headquarters the National Television Company of Ukraine operating 4 TV channels, Pershyi, Suspilne Culture, Suspilne Kyiv, and Suspilne Crimea. It had been a closed secure facility for 26 years, but everything changed in 2018 when an open New Year’s party was held there.
Building of the Jewish cemetery’s office
187 m. 44 Yuriy Illenka Street
210 m. Hertsena Lane
210 m. Hertsena Lane
Дитячо-юнацька спортивна школа з хокею з шайбою "Сокіл-Київ"
229 m. вулиця Юрія Іллєнка, 46, Київ, Україна, 04119
(067) 243-43-88
Дитячо-юнацька спортивна школа "Сюїта"
269 m. вулиця Юрія Іллєнка, 48, Київ, Україна, 04119
(044) 483-11-41
Департамент капітального будівництва та інвестиційного розвитку Київської ОДА
285 m. вулиця Юрія Іллєнка, 40, Київ, Україна, 04119
(044) 206-74-91
286 m. Olena Teliga street
354 m. 8 Dorohozhytska str
(044) 451-92-74
354 m. 7 Dorohozhitska Street
Monument to the children shot in Babyn Yar
493 m. 52 Yuriy Illenka Street