

St. Sophia’s (Sofiivska) Square

About the place

The 3D model of St. Sophia Cathedral was opened in front of the cathedral in September 2020. St. Sophia Cathedral is the oldest religious building that has survived from the time of Kyivan Rus. It was built in early 11th century by Prince Yaroslav the Wise and was dedicated to St. Sophia, the Wisdom of God. Following the capture of Kyiv by Batu Khan in 1240, the cathedral had been in a neglected state for many years. It acquired its modern appearance in the 18th–19th centuries when it was reconstructed and rebuilt in the Baroque style. Mosaics and frescoes of the 11th century have been preserved in the interior. The image of the Orans is considered a masterpiece of mosaic art.

Rulers of Rus were crowned and buried in the cathedral; here, fateful decisions were approved, hetmans were proclaimed, church councils were held, and other acts were done.

National Sanctuary Sophia of Kyiv has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1990.

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Next to 3D miniature of St. Sophia Cathedral

Squares and streets

Sofiiska (Sophia) Square

51 m. 22 Volodymyrska St


National Sanctuary Sophia of Kyiv

100 m. 24 Volodymyrska St

(044) 278-26-20


Заклад дошкільної освіти №54

154 m. вулиця Софіївська, 23, Київ, Україна, 01001

(044) 278-08-32

Government body

Головне управління ДСНС України у м. Києві

158 m. вулиця Володимирська, 13, Київ, Україна, 01025

(044) 226-20-24


Oschadbank on the Volodymyrskaya street

164 m. 27 Volodymyrska St.

(044) 520-51-24


Privat-Bank on Volodymyrska Street

168 m. 18 Volodymyrska street

(073) 716-11-31


Bar on 8

172 m. 5 Alla Tarasova St

(044) 581-74-51


Hyatt Regency Kyiv Hotel

185 m. 5 Alla Tarasova St

(044) 581-12-34


Automated restroom on Volodymyrska Street

187 m. 24 Volodymyrska Street

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