
Kyiv and e-Ticket

A single electronic ticket is applicable to all modes of public transport. It means there is no more need to look for different tickets for buses, trolleybuses, trams and metro.

All you need is to buy a Kyiv Digital travel card or a QR ticket.


What is a one-time QR ticket?

QR tickets came to replace heaps of tokens and one-time travel cards. They are valid for 15 days and are intended for those who rarely use transport.

A one-time QR ticket may be used in a printed form or scanned from a smartphone screen.


Where can it be purchased?

QR tickets can be purchased via:

  • Kyiv Digital app
  • Kyiv Digital payment terminals
  • metro ticket offices
  • self-service boxes and at EasyPay portal.

See all points of sale on this map.


How to use it?

To use a QR ticket, you will need a validator — a reader mounted on the turnstiles in the metro and in each public transport passenger cabin:

The passage of persons crossing the state border is controlled by the State Border Guard Service of Ukraine based on their valid documents authorising entry to or exit from the territory of Ukraine. The passage of vehicles, cargoes, goods and other property across the border is governed by the law in force and international treaties of Ukraine.

Here’s a video guide on how to correctly scan a QR ticket.

Only confirmation of payment on the validator is a proof for a controller that the ticket has been used. The ticket will be automatically deleted after 2 hours since its use, and the record of the use will be saved in the update feed.


How can it be shown to a controller?

To provide a QR ticket for verification to a controller:

  • Open a screen with the QR ticket used.
  • Hand a QR ticket to a controller for scanning.

The controller scans the ticket with a reader to check the fare.


What is a travel card?

A travel card will come in handy if you are going to travel around Kyiv a lot. After all, the more trips you buy, the bigger discount you get. You can add 50 trips to the card per one top-up. The maximum possible card balance is 100 trips.


Where can it be purchased?

You can buy it in T-kiosks all around the city and from Kyiv Digital terminals at metro stations or at metro ticket offices.


How to top up?

A travel card can be topped up:

  • via Kyiv Digital app
  • at Kyiv metro stations
  • at the website of the GIOC Utility Company
  • at e-ticket self-service boxes and EasyPay
  • at iPay payment terminals

See all top-up points on the map.


How to use a travel card?

To pay the fare, a travel card must be put against a validator and held till it beeps thus confirming the payment.

Validators are reading devices in the public transport.


How can it be shown to a controller?

Controllers carry portable readers with them, with which they can scan your travel card and make sure the fare has been paid. Just hand the card to the controller to enable him/her to scan the barcode.


How can a friend’s fare be paid?

To pay for several persons’ trips, provided there are sufficient trips on the travel card, just:

  • Pay your fare. Put the card against the validator, as usual. One trip will be charged.
  • Put the card against the validator again.
  • Press the button [ → ] on the validator. You will enter the selection of the number of trips.
  • Select the number of trips by pressing the buttons [ ← ] and [ → ]. You can select 1 to 5 trips.
  • Press “OK” to confirm your choice.
  • Put the card against the validator once again to confirm charging of the trips.

If you have an unlimited travel card, you will not be able to pay for several persons, as the interval between two validations of such travel card is 15 minutes.

Learn more about a travel card on the official portal.

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