
Poshtova (Postal) Square

Poshtova (Postal) Square

This is one of the oldest Kyiv’s squares that is located in Podil. In 1846, a postal station appeared here, although the square had got its name before that. The area acquired its modern appearance in the 1970s during the reconstruction associated with the opening of a metro station of the same name here. In addition to the historic post office, the square houses the reconstructed Church of the Nativity, the lower station of the funicular, and the river station. A few years ago, during excavations on Poshtova (Postal) Square, archaeologists found an entire street from the times of Kyivan Rus and numerous artefacts of the 11th–13th centuries. In the future, it is planned to build an underground museum complex on their basis. In 2015, a fountain was opened in the centre of the square, and 2 years later, the sculpture Kids Launching Boats was installed near it.

The Postal Square was chosen by skaters and longboarders. In the warm season, there are always many people here, street musicians play, dance evenings and other events take place.

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