19 Mylny lane
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Yurkovytsia Hill (Yurkivka, Khoryvytsia) is a hill in Podilskyi district of Kyiv, in Tatarka. The hill borders Shchekavytsia and Kyrylivska hills. According to some historians, one of the three founding brothers of Kyiv, Khoryv, settled here.
The hill offers a wonderful view of the industrial Podil, Kurenivka, Vynohradar, Obolon and the Left Bank. The place is sparsely populated and almost unknown, as it is surrounded by private buildings. Here and there, you can see single wooden and metal crosses, the remains of the Yordanske cemetery, across the entire territory of the hill. It’s a great location for photographic landscapes, especially in the evening. The atmosphere of the place also contributes to deep philosophical thoughts about the past, future and eternal things.