7 Kontraktova Square
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The Nechaiev House on the Square of Contracts is one of the oldest residential buildings in Kyiv and one of the few ones that survived the great fire on Podil of 1811. In 1760, this land plot was bought by the nobleman Leontiy Vyshnevskyi. In 1797, he built a one-storey stone house. The second floor was completed in 1861 to the architect Ikonnikov’s design. 30 years later, the confectioner, Maksym Nechaiev, who became famous for making the so-called Nechaiev’s honey cakes, became the new owner of the manor. One could buy them in a shop on the Square of Contracts, and Maksym Fedorovych set up production right in the territory of his manor. In the 1960s, the Nechaievs House was nationalised and divided into 5 communal apartments. Yet later, the descendants of the family managed to return it to their ownership. Today, a museum is set up there, and various meetings and concerts are held.