St Vladimir (Volodymyrska) Hill Park
The fountain crowned by the sculpture of Archangel Michael in the Volodymyrska Hirka (St. Volodymyr Hill) Park was opened in 2020 on the feast of the Miracle of St Michael. And as soon as in the following year, its 3D model appeared nearby, with tactile tablets with Braille and a QR code.
Since the days of Kyivan Rus, Archangel Michael has been regarded the heavenly protector of the city and is placed on the capital’s coat of arms. Sculptures of the heavenly protector of Kyiv are located in Obolon and on the city’s main square, Maidan Nezalezhnosti (Independence Square).
However, a bronze sculpture of an angel in the park symbolises all defenders of Kyiv. The sculptor recreated miniatures of the most famous sanctuaries of the city and the famous Kyiv Hills on the bell. According to the capital’s mayor, they symbolise the diversity, tolerance and beauty of the city.
Volodymyrska Hirka (st. Volodymyr Hill) Park
81 m. 1 Vladimir Descent
A fountain with a sculpture of Archangel Michael
81 m. Park Volodymyrska hirka
Департамент внутрішнього фінансового контролю та аудиту
89 m. вулиця Трьохсвятительська, 4-Б, Київ, Україна, 01601
(044) 270-51-44
Automated restroom on Triochsvyatitelska Street
123 m. 8 Triochsvyatitelska Street
123 m. 8 Tryohsvyatitelska Street
123 m. 8 Trohsvyatitelska St
170 m. Volodymyr Hill
185 m. 6 Vladimir Descent
3D miniature of the Pedestrian and Bicycle Bridge
192 m. St Vladimir (Volodymyrska) Hill Park
Заклад дошкільної освіти №140 "Барвінок"
210 m. вулиця Михайлівська, 24В, Київ, Україна, 01001
(044) 279-05-96